Get ERC1155 Data
Given an ERC1155 tokenId, get every internal tokenId, along with metadata and internal deposit address.
Base URL
All API requests should be made to the following base URL:
API Endpoints
Get All Backing IDs for a Token ID
Fetches metadata information related to the given token ID.
Path Parameters:
(required): The token ID for which metadata is being requested.
(required): Your API key. It should be sent in the request header.
200 OK
- The request was successful, and the metadata is returned.Example successful response:
401 Unauthorized
- The request was made with an incorrect or missing API key.Example response when no API key is provided:
Example response when the API key is incorrect:
400 Bad Request
- The request was unsuccessful due to incorrect input or an error in processing. Check the response body for more information.Example response for not curated token ID:
Here's an example using the request library in Node.js to make a request to the API with the provided tokenId:
Last updated